published works
A selection of published poetry in books, newspapers, and magazines.
“Big Mouth,” “I Don’t Know,” and “Morning Reprise.”
Once again, Bob Schneider has put together another year’s 'best of' the Poetry Machine. This collection showcases the best poems of the year from a diverse group of creative types. These three poems are featured in this latest anthology, available here.
“Down at the Dairy Queen,” The Giving Tree,” and “Wedding Parade.”
Austin musician and artist Bob Schneider’s uncivilized army of generative writers – The Poetry Machine – returns from the edge of the poetry frontier with The Poetry Machine, Vol. 2. These three poems are featured in this latest anthology, available here.
“Valle de Gabriela”
This poem was printed along with a profile in the San Fernando, Chile, newspaper Diario VI Region, featuring my poetry as part of the “Poesia Face To Facebook” literary experiment book.
“Mi playa, por favor”
This poem is featured in a full-page spread of the 02 issue of the UK’s ætla Magazine - a biannual print magazine and online community to inspire and nurture creative, wild souls through written and visual storytelling that sees the world differently, vibrantly and gently. This issue features stories of exploration from Iceland, Scotland, an interview with Charlotte of Creative Wilderness on van life, a wild look at oceans, and how tree planting is not enough.
“Valle de Gabriela”
This poem appears in a literary-experiment book that brings together 49 writers from 9 countries, with 51 poems, and 110 articles and publications, which seeks to show how writers interact on social networks, and seeks to make visible and disseminate the creations of territorial writers.
“Crossing the Line,” “Candied Coral Crush,” “More Time,” “Channel Hate,” and “The Heir.”
These five poems are featured in The Poetry Machine, Volume 1, an anthology published by singer/songwriter and artist Bob Schneider.
“MiraFlores” and “Open When Ready.”
Featured as the first poet of 2020, Oaxaca, Mexico’s newspaper Noticias Voz e Imagen published these two poems in a full-page interview entitled, “Historia de un poeta.”