Angels and God


I like to think of angels as servants
on mission to remind my pen that
the Bible is not at all at odds with science,
guardians of psalmists, like particles
of dust that I cannot see beyond a
window’s ray of light. Within a vast cosmos
of infinite creation and finite belief
stands the First Law of Thermodynamics,
a law of conservation of energy,
and Einstein’s broader principle, the
Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy,
universally revealing that matter
and energy can neither be created
nor destroyed: matter can change to energy,
and energy can convert to matter,
but the total supply remains the same.
I think when God said the heavens and earth
are finished, He saw creation as “finished.”

The beauty of our universe: a canvas
inviting us to believe without sight.

That’s faith, you see.


Author’s note: When science looks outward into space or inward, such as in particle physics, we rediscover our universe's complexity and infinite nature. It feels like our learning curve accelerates each decade. Because of that, I can understand how some people may struggle to reconcile spiritual beliefs with scientific knowledge, but I don’t think it has to be scary or challenging. I find it an amazing mystery to consider all the interconnectedness of energy and matter and how it shapes our worldview, but it also gives us a profound awe and wonder in nature and the cosmos as God’s amazing and beautiful creation.

The very idea of freedom presupposes some objective moral law which overarches rulers and ruled alike. Subjectivism about moral values is eternally incompatible with democracy. We and our rulers are of one kind only so long as we are subject to one law. But if there is no Law of Nature, the ethos of any society is the creation of its rulers, educators and conditioners; and every creator stands above and outside his own creation.
— C.S. Lewis

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